Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jim Brandenburg

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie tonight. Jim Brandenburg is an amazing photographer. He started off taking pictures of prairies then soon was scouted by National Geographic. Since then he's been taking pictures for them. He soon started taking pictures of a broader array of landscapes. This includes beaches, rain-forests, snowy forests, and animals. One of his first experiences taking a picture of a wild animal was a fox. He said he didn't know who was more startled, him or the fox! It was a beautiful picture. I really like how his photography is so versatile. 

Jim Brandenburg is a very driven individual. It seems as if he is too hard on himself. He's a perfectionist. Instead of just wanting to take pictures of certain subjects, he wants to take pictures of what inspires and intrigues him. This drive led him to take pictures of animals and the woods. He started to live and adopt to the life of the wild animals to capture intimate pictures. His pictures of the woods are my absolute favorite. They are so breathtaking. He said that the woods are so humbling. He said that they are taller, older, and have seen things we have never seen before. He catches this essence in all his photographs. 

I'm very happy I had the privilege to follow his 90 journal of photos! Jim Brandenburg is amazing! 

Robert Misrach

Robert Misrach is a critically acclaimed photographer. He spends most of his career as a photographer taking photos of desert landscapes. His photography is absolutely beautiful. I personally admire them because I was born and raised in Arizona. I think that the desert is such a beautiful and mysterious place. Robert Misrach also takes photos at night time. This gives his photos uniqueness and mysticism. I enjoyed all his photos. This inspired me to try to take some photos at night. I also enjoyed his photos of the beach and sky. I noticed that our choice in photography is very similar. We both enjoy taking pictures of landscapes and nature. I also don't like to manipulate  my pictures too much as well. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed learning about Mr. Misrach! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sally Mann

Sally Mann is a very eclectic photographer. She lives in the south and uses the landscapes in most of her pictures. She's known for taking nude pictures of her children. Many critics condemned her for that reason. When i saw the actual photos of her children, i thought they were absolutely beautiful. She captured a sense of childhood innocence. She also captured the innocence of the settings that surround her. Although I think Sally Mann could be slightly crazy, I really enjoyed her artwork. It's nice, simple and absolutely beautiful. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Collier Schorr

Tonight we watched a documentary of photographer Collier Schorr.  She enjoys playing with gender roles and comfort zones in her photography.  Her pictures consist of wrestling photos and soldiers and landscapes in Germany. Although her ideas were pretty interesting, her artwork was not amusing to me. The only pictures I liked of hers were the wrestling ones. I loved how she captured every moment of the sport. She captured defeat, triumph, exhaustion, and ego. I liked when she said that her favorite shot is a wrestler giving their last ounce of energy. I thought those photos were really neat.

Other than that, Collier Schorr's photography wasn't amazing. I didn't even really like watching the documentary of her. I love the whole bending of gender roles but, I didn't like how she did it. Instead of using posing models, she should capture real people that have gender issues.