Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Collier Schorr

Tonight we watched a documentary of photographer Collier Schorr.  She enjoys playing with gender roles and comfort zones in her photography.  Her pictures consist of wrestling photos and soldiers and landscapes in Germany. Although her ideas were pretty interesting, her artwork was not amusing to me. The only pictures I liked of hers were the wrestling ones. I loved how she captured every moment of the sport. She captured defeat, triumph, exhaustion, and ego. I liked when she said that her favorite shot is a wrestler giving their last ounce of energy. I thought those photos were really neat.

Other than that, Collier Schorr's photography wasn't amazing. I didn't even really like watching the documentary of her. I love the whole bending of gender roles but, I didn't like how she did it. Instead of using posing models, she should capture real people that have gender issues. 

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